Time & Location
Oct 14, 2021, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Syracuse, 1342 Lancaster Ave, Syracuse, NY 13210, USA
About the Event
Fee: $25 per class, or whatever you can afford
This introduction to mindfulness training is based on skills from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). DBT was developed by Marsha Linehan, a psychologist, trained spiritual director, and Zen master to help people who struggle to manage difficult emotions and have problems in their relationships. Mindfulness has numerous spiritual, psychological, and health benefits and these skills are central to most religious practices.
DBT mindfulness skills are specifically designed to be nondenominational and compatible with a wide variety of traditions and beliefs. This class will be especially helpful for people who are struggling with their own spiritual practice, emotional dysregulation, or want to learn more about mindfulness for better health and well-being.
The training will take place on Thursdays at 1pm at the Spiritual Renewal Center and will last 1.5 hours. It will run from September 30th – December 16th 2021. We will not meet on Veteran’s Day or Thanksgiving. Space is limited to 8 participants and the suggested donation is $25 per class. No one will be turned away for inability to pay. This class is not a substitute for psychotherapy but may compliment your current treatment.
Steve Moore is the new director of the Spiritual Renewal Center, a trained spiritual director and clinical psychologist. He was intensively trained in DBT and has conducted DBT groups in a variety of settings. If you are interested please contact the Spiritual Renewal Center.