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Meet our spiritual directors


Steve Moore

Steve Moore is the director of the Center, rector of Grace Church, Syracuse, vicar of Church of the Saviour, Syracuse, and a psychologist in the Psychiatry Faculty Practice at SUNY Upstate.  He trained in spiritual direction at the Haden Institute/Mt. Carmel Spiritual Center in Niagara Falls and Loyola House in Guelph. 

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Marge Babcock

Margaret Babcock is retired from the Diocese of Syracuse. She was trained as a spiritual director here at the Spiritual Renewal Center.  


Beverly Babcock

Beverly Babcock has an ecumenical church background, as well as master’s degrees in both theology and school psychology. She was trained in spiritual direction at the Spiritual Renewal Center. Bev is married with three adult daughters and has five grandchildren. 


Toppie Bates

Toppie Bates is a retired Episcopal priest affiliated with St. James Episcopal Church in Skaneateles. 

Toppie received her training as a spiritual director here at the Spiritual Renewal Center.

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Nick Bufano

Nick Bufano is the pastor at Newtonville United Methodist Church in Latham, NY. Nick has a Master of Divinity from Lancaster Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry from Lancaster Theological Seminary with a concentration in clergy care and renewal. Nick trained in a contemplative model of Spiritual Direction at the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation in Washington DC. 


Ann Derr

Ann Derr received her training in spiritual direction here at the Center.  Her education also includes Loyola University's Institute for Ministry Program in Pastoral Studies with a focus in Christian Spirituality.  Ann is active in parish leadership and ministry at her home parish, Church of the Nativity at Immaculate Conception in Pompey.


Fr. Jason Downer, SJ

Fr. Jason Downer, SJ is a campus minister at LeMoyne College, works with the local Jesuit Volunteer Corps and is an experienced spiritual director. He has a Master of Science in College Student Personnel Administration, a Master of Arts in Social Philosophy from Loyola Chicago, and a Master of Divinity from Boston College. Additionally, Fr. Jason received his training in spiritual direction at Loyola Chicago and ministered in the Northern Mariana Islands after ordination to the priesthood.


Kathy Faber-Langendoen

Kathy Faber-Langendoen received her training in spiritual direction here at the Center.  She has led Adult Education in Christian Reformed and Presbyterian Churches; she now worships at People’s AME Zion.  She is also a physician-bioethicist at SUNY Upstate Medical University.   


Chris Goral

Chris Goral serves in ministry at the Vineyard Church in Auburn.  She was trained as a spiritual director here at the Spiritual Renewal Center.  


Pam Kelsey-Gossard

Pam Kelsey-Gossard is a counselor presently working on staff at Immanuel Methodist Church in Camillus. She is married and the mother of two children. Pam trained as a spiritual director here at the Spiritual Renewal Center. 


Jim Krisher

Jim Krisher is the founder and a staff spiritual director at the Spiritual Renewal Center. Jim received his undergraduate degree in Religion from Syracuse University, and his master's degree in Theology from Boston College. Jim has also pursued further graduate studies in Christian spirituality and spiritual direction at Creighton University. He has written numerous published articles in his area of expertise, and is the author of Spiritual Surrender: Yielding Yourself to a Loving God, and The Ongoing Work of Jesus: His Mission in our Life, both published by Twenty-Third Publications. He is also an adjunct faculty member in the Religious Studies department at LeMoyne College, where he teaches courses in New Testament and Christian spirituality. He is married and the father of four children.


Maureen Lasda

Maureen Lasda received her training in spiritual direction here at the Spiritual Renewal Center.  She is  retired from teaching religion and campus ministry at Christian Brothers Academy as well as parish work in catechetics.  She holds a bachelor’s degree from LeMoyne College in religious studies and a master’s degree from Fordham University in religious education.


Mark Lawson

Mark Lawson is a retired pastor ordained in the United Church of Christ, and an adjunct faculty member at LeMoyne College, where he teaches courses in religion and theology. Mark is also on the faculty of the New York School of Ministry, an alternative ministry preparation program of the United Church of Christ.  He trained as a director here at the Center.

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Sally Manahan

Sally Manahan, RN, MSN, C-NP, is the Director of Resident Care at Francis House and a Spiritual Director through the Spiritual Renewal Center in Syracuse, NY. A graduate of the Spiritual Renewal Center’s Horizons program, in 2022 she also completed the Living School for Action and Contemplation program under the directorship of Fr. Richard Rohr, a leading Franciscan theologian, with instruction and guidance from James Finley and Cynthia Bourgeault. Sally was an instructor at the Crouse School of Nursing, as well as a certified oncology nurse practitioner. Sally continues to be a guest lecturer at Le Moyne College and at the Crouse School of Nursing, as well as providing community education on end of life, caregiving, resilience, and community-building.


Gerard McKeon, SJ

Gerry McKeon, SJ is a Jesuit priest with extensive experience in spiritual direction and in offering the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius to men and women from all backgrounds. He has served as a chaplain at Ithaca College and Cornell University, and on the staff of Eastern Point retreat house in Gloucester, MA.


Peter J. Murray, SJ

Fr. Peter Murray, SJ has been interested in the Ignatian Spiritual exercises from a very young age. Peter, ordained as Jesuit priest in May 1972, has had since a number of apostolic missions, including offering the Exercises in two parishes, and he recently completed a nine-months stint as Staff director at Faulkner in Maryland. He has done much Ignatian spiritual direction over the years--and is also interested in the interface between Poetry and

spirituality. He resides at Le Moyne Jesuit community here in Syracuse.

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Kathleen Owens

Kathleen Owens received her training in spiritual direction at the Syracuse diocese and at  St. Louis University.  She retired after 24 years of work as pastoral associate at Sr. Francis Xavier Church in Marcellus, and she has served as a spiritual director here at the Spiritual Renewal Center for over 25 years.


Kathy Papa

Kathy Papa is a certified substance abuse counselor. Kathy also serves as a staff member for our Horizons Program. She trained as a spiritual director here at the Spiritual Renewal Center.


Lana Riley

Lana Riley received graduate training in theology and spirituality and recently retired from the pastoral team of St. Margaret's Church (Homer, NY) after many years in ministry.


John Rose

John Rose is a retired Catholic priest of the Diocese of Syracuse, former pastor of St. Vincent parish and former director of Christ the King Retreat Center. John did his training at The Center for Religious Development in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  He serves at the Spiritual Renewal Center as a spiritual director and staff member of our Horizons training program.


Mike Ruf

Michael Ruf is a Catholic Deacon assigned to Christ The King and Pope John XXIII in Liverpool.  Michael is a retired Teacher of the Deaf. He received his training as a spiritual director here at the Spiritual Renewal Center.


Mary Ellen Schopfer, CSJ

Mary Ellen Schopfer, CSJ  has worked extensively in spiritual formation, and has served as a spiritual caregiver with Hospice. She is also involved in spiritual ministries in the Utica area. She trained as a spiritual director here at the Center.

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Lou Sogliuzzo, SJ

Lou Sogliuzzo, SJ is a Jesuit priest, retreat director at Christ the King Retreat House and is involved with several parishes in the Syracuse Diocese.


Rose Raymond Wagner, OSF

Rose Raymond Wagner, OSF has worked many years in spiritual formation. She was formerly on the staff of Christ The King Retreat House and Stella Maris Retreat Center.

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1342 Lancaster Avenue    Syracuse, New York 13210    315.472.6546

Hours of operation: M-T-W-TH 9-5, Friday 9-4 (September-June)

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